Diego Armando Maradona celebrates the victory of López Obrador


Last Sunday, July 1 Andrés Manuel López Obrador came out triumphant of the elections that took place in Mexico where the Mexican people wanted a radical change of government, news that was given around the world and was celebrated by the former footballer Diego Armando Maradon who applauded the fact.

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"López Obrador finally won the elections in Mexico and the Truth that made us all happy, after that for me, the previous (election) have virtually removed the presidency, "were the first impressions made by the fluff .

To the World Champion with Argentina at the Mexico 86 competition the merit of having obtained the victory after three consecutive attempts is interesting, as it assures that AMLO does not have the same effect. did not need to seduce people

"In López Obrador, which cost him to win a vote is not the same as for those who are opposite, who compare the votes and send dollars for to go vote, that's why he has a very great merit.Now we have to see how he handles. "

Joined the theme, Maradona pointed out what was also made by the now governor of Morelos State Cuauhtémoc Blanco who also swept his votes and will attempt to make history now in politics, having been l & # 39; one of the best footballers in our country.

"And Cuauhtémoc is also involved in politics, Cuauhtémoc Blanco, and is now governor of Morelos.Yes, yes, we know each other."


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