Diego Ventura forgives a bull in the first leg of the big season


The rejoneador Diego Ventura He made a triumphant return to Mexico, pardoning a bull from Enrique Fragua's ranch in front of more than 40,000 people having almost filled the Insurgents' arena, during the first round of the Great Season.

Enrique Ponce protested and Octavio Garcia "El Payo" was injured in the right thigh.

Barralva's disappointing race, poorly presented and without force or caste, left no option to the killers and contrasted negatively with the bravery of Ghost, the forgiven bull.

In more than 70 years of history, a rejón bull has not been pardoned at La Plaza Mexico before February 11, during the last round of the previous big season.

The destination wanted that during the first stage of the new bullfighting cycle in Mexico City, the second bull of rejones on the square of the capital is forgiven.

In February, Andy Cartagena pardoned a noble bull and a great reel. Ventura He saved the life of a brave animal with intense fixity.

In addition, "Phantom" was the caste with every attack, always seeking the auction from the bottom up, with infinite greed.

Ventura He understood both fixity – "Ghost" harassed, stuck to the rump throughout the circle of the albero – as well as his relentlessness, with a wide range of cuts, some crushed.

The rejoneador was particularly precise with the punishments. The short banderillas were of great emotion; in the last, the runner put his forehead in front of the bull, which launched a request for pardon for the unanimous forgiveness during the laying.

It was still time for Ventura he left his saddle and, with a crutch at his foot, gave passes to the bull, who seemed never to want to leave the ring, nor leave a garment to attack.

The rest of the bullfight was conditioned by the poor cattle that Queretaro's iron introduced this afternoon.

Enrique Ponce realized an ear in his first bull to which he gave only an unfinished turn.

A forced "sideline" ignited the lines and the Valencian bullfighter maintained the public's joy with cowardly passes to a bull that, on the contrary, had no mobility and had fallen to the ground as soon as his hand was down. Ponce's greatest merit was to keep him on his feet.

A detached but precise thrust has caused a moderate demand for a careful hearing of the judge. The protest against the handing over of the trophy touched the row.

With his second Ponce, he could do nothing. A quezno bull had his eyes crossed and used to fight.

El Payo was without a place with his first bull and he was exposed with his second, taking a heartbreaking momentum in his right thigh. This bull was the best of those sent by Barralva Iron because of his caste and strength.

El Payo NTR Zacatecas

Luis David Adame could not do much with his bulls either. Yes, his banderillero Gustavo Campos has left him two good pairs that have earned him the honor of laying eggs.

Afternoon of full wait for reappearance after six years of Diego Ventura and that this leaves a new forgiveness, the fact that in bullfighting should never be the norm, but the exception.


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