Diesel is transferred by train to Tijuana for the first time in 100 years


More than 300,000 gallons of (diesel) oil were transported from Texas to Tijuana, Mexico today for the first time in almost 100 years, the chief executive said today. Baja California Railroad (BJRR). Roberto Romandía

In total, ten tank cars from a Texas refinery, with just over 30,000 gallons of diesel each, have arrived in this city.

The company said that despite the fact that gasoline is no longer required, they decided to start with the purchase of diesel because the Pemex regulations and the clauses of the energy reform are unclear on gasoline, which has an impact on legal regulations and taxes for their importation.

We decided to start with diesel precisely because we do not see the clarity needed for that. As for taxes and permits, diesel and turbosine are now the easiest, he added.

"The essence is a bit more complicated by all the negotiations that Pemex has had with the participants in the various tender offers".

The manager indicated that the main hurdle encountered during this process was obtaining permits and approvals, as the regulators lacked knowledge about the import regulations. .

The import is the turbosina, while at the end of July this year, they will know the date on which they will be able to transport the essence of the United States Union to Mexico.

Romandía explained that his customers were those who demanded that the diesel come from Texas at the prices that already exists to record the composition of the fuel, which meets all the requirements for the importation

It explained that in Texas there are a lot of refineries, so you can get lower fuel prices and compared to places like California, Texas has a "less strict" regulation on transportation and marketing, "In Texas, there are a lot of refineries and there is a price war and this competitive opportunity is opening between the different refineries," he said, adding that it allows them to buy oil. fuel "that offers the best composition of the molecule and the best price."

The director of BJRR stated that his goal is to make "frequent crossings" of fuel, which could be every 15 days, but will depend on demand

He pointed out that "with the path of iron as a vehicle for the importation of hydrocarbons, the cost of transportation is reduced by 35%. you, in addition to facilitating customs procedures, because only one revision and the opening of the entry door equals 10 crosses in another type of vehicle.

The company that runs the Romandie aims to rehabilitate the Desert Line He said that with this route, they would shorten their route by 200 kilometers and save on fuel transportation since they currently have to take Los Angeles to Los Angeles. They then descend the Pacific coast to reach Mexico by the port of San Ysidro.

With the Línea del Desierto, they do not cross Los Angeles and continue their route through Calexico California to enter the port of Tecate, Baja California.

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