DIF Tamaulipas offers holiday services


Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.- In order to serve the population during the vacation period, the Tamaulipas TIF System, headed by Mariana Gómez of García Cabeza de Vaca, will continue to provide service at its headquarters in the capital. of Tamaulipas. July 16 to 27, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 2:00 pm

The following services will be offered to the general public: general medical consultation, blood pressure, glucose, triglycerides, weight and height, injections, certificates and medical advice.

Dental health services such as dental and molar extractions, fillings, prophylaxis, fluoride application, audiological consultation, audiometric study, ear cleaning, hearing aids.

comprehensive health consultations for women, Pap smears (women aged 24 to 69 or who have already started their sex life), HPV (human papillomavirus) studies women 35 to 69 years old, clinical studies of Mama (women over 18 years).

Management procedures can be carried out by the Directorate of Fund Supply and the departments of attention and links with the citizens. 19659003] To apply for these services, you must register at the entrance and carry an identification and the CURP of the person who requires it, in the case of minors accompanied by an adult, to the Hearing aids exception, perform assessment and be candidates for obtaining one, they will be asked for more conditions, such as the applicant's birth certificate, identification, curp, order by the doctor who attended them, among others.

For its part, the Attorney General of Protection for Girls, Boys and Adolescents will have legal and psychological counseling services, among other protective services for families in situations of domestic violence.

The Adult Club House Activó will continue with its various courses and workshops in the morning and evening, as well as daycare, will continue to receive the children of mothers and fathers who work and have no security social, as well as wellness centers Dependents of the DIF of the state will pay attention to the care provided to girls, boys, adolescents, disabled people and the elderly residing in these spaces. (Editorial)

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