Director of Normal Detention for the Death of Students in Chiapas – Bajo Palabra


Mexico – Elements of the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) arrested the director of the Mactumatzá Rural Normal School, Conrado Borraz de León, as part of investigations

for find those responsible for the death of a new student and four others who remain serious after an "introductory course" taught by the normalistas themselves.

Meters before arriving at their place of work, where this afternoon would offer a press conference in the company of students and teachers of this school, several vans were closed to management and violently lowered from a Sentra white vehicle with plates of the State of Chiapas.

The director was traveling with two parents and their lawyer, who tried to prevent the capture of one of them was violently beaten. To remove the director of the vehicle, the agents broke a glass of the car and took it by force to take it to the FGE and then make it available to a prison judge. from El Amate, 90 kilometers from Tuxtla, in the prison. El Amate

His lawyer Feliciano Hernández López and the young normalistas offered the press conference in which the director would be arrested and condemned this police action.

The lawyer indicated that his client, the director Conrado Borraz de León, He was arrested in a violent and arbitrary manner without a warrant for arrest. That the police did not submit arrest warrants, which they requested at all times. And that they have violated the fact of forcibly removing him from a private area such as the vehicle without a search warrant.

He indicated that all these irregularities would be alleged before a federal judge before which the amparo will be called to judge the violations to the

The lawyer has broadcast videos of the actions of the elements of the FGE , who told the director that they had a warrant for "serious crime". "Homicide," they said.

A few minutes before this capture, the state government issued a statement in which he maintained that the Mactumactzá Rural Normal School is not in danger of disappearing; however, it will continue the investigation of a student's homicide, and will suggest mechanisms to ensure student safety.

"The administration of Manuel Velasco Coello acknowledged the contribution that this institution has made for more than 50 years in training young people in Chiapas, especially for those who come from low-income families", indicates the letter.

In this press release, directors are called upon to behave through institutional channels, and in accordance with the regulations in force, to help recover the credibility and order of the student community. requires.

In this context, he stressed that through the Office of the Attorney General of the State, he will pursue related investigations with the death of a new student, and serious injury suffered by two of his classmates, until the facts are clarified and those responsible found.

In this way, the government of Chiapas reiterated its commitment to meet the demands of students and parents of the rural normal school of Mactumactzá, as well as the rest of the state universities, to improve the quality of higher education. 19659002] Finally, he urged students to behave with strict respect for the law; and eradicating practices that are detrimental to human dignity, and discrediting the values ​​that gave birth to this educational institution, from which came the men and women who, through their daily efforts, placed Chiapas at the highest level.

the State Commission on Human Rights (ECHR), opened a complaint of the office and took precautionary and precautionary measures on the case of the young man who is died at the rural teacher training college in Mactumactza on July 22nd.

At the first moment when the facts were known, this Commission opened an official complaint and took precautionary measures with the competent authorities to ensure the protection of the human rights of the student and non-profit community. relatives of the injured students.

In the same way, the ECHR has taken general and necessary precautionary measures to promote respect for the dignity of other students and to ensure public policies. blicas in the enjoyment of the right to education.

In this case, where two other young people are also hospitalized, the Commission has observed violations of constitutional and human rights, such as; education, non-discrimination, physical and psycho-emotional integrity, as well as personal security and the right to education without violence.

José Luis Hernández Espinosa, a 19-year-old, died last Saturday, July 21, as a result of kidney failure and heat stroke, caused by the practices of a "course". induction "to which he was subjected as a new pupil.

José Luis did not endure the painful physical exercises, he died and four of his colleagues were hospitalized, two remain serious, one in Tuxtla and the other in San Cristóbal de Las Casas

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