Discover a morgue that a woman given for dead was alive


Workers at a morgue in the city of Carletonville, 80 kilometers west of Johannesburg, South Africa, were surprised at the end of June when the victim of 39; a traffic accident that they still believed dead I've breathed According to some local newspapers, an employee approached the body to fill in the last forms before n & rsquo; Entered the cold store when she detected that the woman was still alive. The paramedics who took her to the morgue certified her death on the way.

The woman, who has not disclosed any personal information, is now admitted to a Johannesburg hospital to recover from injuries sustained in the road accident that occurred on the outskirts of the city on June 24 and in In addition, health authorities in the Gauteng area, where the city is located, have launched an investigation to clarify what happened.

The company responsible for the management of the ambulance service, Distress Alert, confirmed the version published in the local press, although it denied that the company or its workers had committed an accident. any negligence. The director of the company, Gerrit Bradnick, has denied in statements to the agency France Press that the event is related to the lack of preparation of health personnel. Bradnick assured that the stipulated protocol for these cases was followed and that the equipment used "found no glow of life in the woman".

A spokesman for the family, who also wanted to remain anonymous, explained to the BBC that they are "in a state of shock". This spokesman asked all actors involved in this to clarify what happened. "We need answers," he said.

This is not the first time that such an event takes place in South Africa. In 2016, relatives who were going to recognize the alleged body of a man who had been pronounced dead the day before found out that he was still breathing. The man, however, died five hours after it was known that he was still alive.

In Spain, three doctors from the VIllabona Penitentiary Center in Asturias certified the death of Gonzalo Montoya, a 29-year-old prisoner, in January 2018. After being transferred to the Moravian morgue. Forensic Anatomical Institute of Oviedo, workers heard that the detainee began to move and snore according to some local newspapers. Montoya, who was later transferred to Asturias University Hospital, applied for a voluntary release two weeks after the incident to return to prison, as he claimed that he felt "Worse than locked".

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