Discover How much will the states that Moreno governs contribute to GDP?


Mexico City, Veracruz, Tabasco, Morelos and Chiapas, where the Morena party is the virtual winner of the government, they concentrate 28% of the wealth generated by the country and a quarter of the Mexican population in poverty, according to with data from Inegi and Coneval .

Mexico is the entity that generates more wealth, being itself responsible for 17.47% of the internal product Gross Nationality ; it is then in the order of importance Veracruz, which occupies the fifth place of the 32 states with 4.77% of the total; as well as in Tabasco (in 13th place) with just over 3.0% thanks to oil production.

More at the margin are Chiapas and Morelos with 1.42% and 1.13% of the national GDP.

Chiapas is the state with the highest levels of poverty in the country, 77.1% of its population being in this situation with just over 4 million 100,000 people; it is followed by Veracruz with 62.2% of its population, or 5 million poor; Tabasco, with 50.9% representing 2.4 million people; and Morelos with 49.5%. In all these entities, poverty levels are higher than the national average of 43.6%.

In the case of Mexico City, the poverty level is lower than the country average with a rate of 27.6% On the other hand, it should be noted that the five entities that will be led by Morena will be responsible the management of a budget stock of about 334 billion pesos for actions and contributions, This figure represents more than one-fifth (22%) of the resources that the federation distributes among all the entities of the country.

Assuming that the amount of these resources for 2019 was similar to that planned for this year, the City of Mexico would have the largest stock market to receive 104 billion pesos; Veracruz in second place with 98 billion dollars; Chiapas, 72 million; Tabasco, 37 million; and Morelos, 22 million

From the point of view of the wealth they generate and the poverty that exists, these entities have a large amount of resources, but also many needs and delays that must to be covered by the new administrations.

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