Discover What You Need to Know About Bank Fees


Since 10 pesos for the printing of an account statement in Multiva Auto up to 15 thousand pesos for the annuity on the map of credit Citibanamex Beyond, ] are some of the charges made by the banks for commissions in Mexico

According to the President of the National Commission for the protection and defense of users of Financial Services (Condusef), Mario Di Costanzo, credit cards include one thousand 156 commissions in the Mexican market, one thousand 316 in mortgages and one thousand 700 in deposits of products. [19659002] Thus, the customers of the bank pay commissions for such concepts as late payment, granting credit to the window, account inactivity, l & # 39; 39, impression of statements of account, which most users do not know the

In an example made by the Condusef on a BBVA Bancomer card a debt of 15 thousand pesos may increase up to 39%. at 22 thousand pesos where 5 thousand 446 pesos are interest and 2 thousand pesos are fees for commissions, between annuity payments, pay after the deadlines, among other concepts.

According to Condusef in 2017, banks operating in Mexico earned 10 billion pesos commission, or 8% more than in 2016.

The Condusef noted that 83% of commission income banks were for payment of the annuity of credit cards with a total Citibanamex, Bancomer and Banorte got 75% of the revenues of the bank for credit card commissions, for a total of 18 thousand pesos.

382 million pesos

The Condusef noted that during the first quarter of 2018, 85 000 698 complaints were registered by users, for a total amount of 218 million pesos.

Citibanamex records the highest rate of claims, followed by Scotiabank, HSBC, Invex Banco and Santander


The Condusef pointed out that banks such as Citibanamex, Bancomer, HSBC Scotiabank and Santander earn more for commission concepts in Mexico than in their respective countries.

Thus, Santander gets 20% of its commission income in Spain, compared to 39% of that obtained in Mexico; BBVA 19% of its income in Spain against 36% in Mexico

Citi obtains 18% of its turnover in the United States, against 33% obtained by Citibanamex in Mexico.

In the case of HSBC, she gets 25% of her business income income in the UK for commissions against 33% in Mexico and Scotiabank 14% in Canada versus 19% in Mexico.

Di Costanzo said that in the face of competition in the sector and the use of technology in some products, reduce fees by up to 30%.


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