Discovery of the Ptolemaic tomb with a black sarcophagus in Alexandria


CAIRO, July 1 (Xinhua) – An Egyptian archaeological mission today discovered a tomb with a large sarcophagus of black granite of the time Ptolemaic in the coastal province of Alexandria, said the director of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt.

"The sarcophagus of black granite is one of the largest found in Alexandria for its 265 centimeters long, 185 centimeters high and 165 centimeters wide" said Mostafa Waziri, director of the council of 39; administration.

The experts still do not determine who corresponds to the grave, he added.

A damaged alabaster bust of a man, possibly the owner of the grave was also found inside the grave.

Photo: AFP / Iustrativa

The Tomb was discovered during the installation of sensors at a particular site in the Sidi Gaber district of Alexandria, before the owner ceased building foundations, since Egyptian law states the completion of archaeological excavations before starting construction.

In the 1990s, under the eastern port of Abu Qir Bay in Alexandria, Egypt, the sunken city of Cleopatra was discovered, Egyptian Queen of Greco-Macedonian origin who led the fusion of Pharaonic and Greek cultures in ancient Egypt.

Last November, the Supreme Council of Antiquities announced the discovery of three wrecks of the Roman era in bed. marine of the coastal province of northern Egypt. End

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