Disney announces the closure of Disneytoon Studios


Milenio Digital

Disney announced the closure of his studios Disneytoon Studios reported the company. Until now, we do not know if there will be layoffs.

"After careful consideration, we made the decision to finalize the production activity and close the Disneytoon studios," said a Disney spokesman at The Hollywood Reporter.

Glendale-based Disneytoon Studios focused on secondary stories and Disney animation sequences such as Bambi II, Lilo & Stitch 2 and Cinderella 3. [19659005]

Disneytoon was producing some Fairy franchise movies, beginning with Tinker Bell 2008.

The last work of this production house that was made of this franchise was Tinker Bell and the Beast Ever-Never.

The closing of Disneytoon occurs when the studio undergoes other changes.

Earlier this month, it was announced that Pixar co-founder and Walt Disney Animation's main creative force, John Lasseter, would leave the studio later. Pete Docter and Jennifer Lee have been named executive directors of Disney's animation divisions, with Docter's intensifying at Pixar Animation Studios and Lee. leading the Walt Disney animation studios.



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