Disney rejects director of "Guardians of the Galaxy" for "pedophile tweets"


  James Gunn "title =" James Gunn "/> 
<figcaption class= Photo: AP James Gunn

James Gunn was fired as director of " Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 " because of tweets published in 2008 and 2009 in which he refers to pedophilia and rape.

Walt Disney Studios president, Alan Horn, announced the dismissal Friday. "Attitudes and statements offensive discovery in the flow of Twitter of James are indefensible and inconsistent with the values ​​of our study, and we have broken our working relationship with him, [said] Horn in a statement.

Gunn was a writer and director of the franchise of " Guardians of the Galaxy " from the beginning, turning an obscure title from Marvel Comics about a group of multicolored outsiders in an opera is Chris Pratt a movie star

The first two movies in the series charged more than 1.5 billion dollars at the global box office.

The dismissal comes a day after several conservative figures following the American president, Donald Trump, saved several tweets from Gunn, also known for his harsh criticism of the American president, reports ] The ] Hollywood Reporter .

Gunn is excused Friday for old tweets after his dismissal, echoing the same sentiments expressed the day before in Twitter .

"My words of almost ten years ago were, at that time, totally failed and unfortunate efforts to be provocative.I have repented of them for many years – not only because they were stupid, not at all funny, extremely insensitive, and certainly not provocative as I had expected, but also because they do not reflect the person I am today, Gunn stated in a statement.

"Despite All The Temper s that has passed, I understand and accept the business decision that has been made today. Even after all these years, I take full responsibility for the way I behaved then.

The Current Account of Gunn in Twitter is full of left-wing political messages, and some of the right-handers with whom he discussed found and promoted tweets made between 2008 and 2011 which led to his dismissal.

Disney did not announce the replacement of the director of "Guardians of the galaxy vol 3" . Gunn was writing the script and it is unclear how much progress has been made or whether new writers will be hired to finish it.Marvel Studios has not announced release date, although that Gunn stated that his goal was 2020.

In addition to Pratt, the films of "Guardians" ] present the performances of Zoe Saldaña and Dave Bautista, and the voices of Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel. [19659003] Characters were also an essential part of Disney's mega hit and Marvel "Avengers: Infinity War" this year.


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