Disney says no to straws


  Disney joins the movement "without straw"

Put one after the other the straws that are consumed daily in the United States could do two and a half times around the planet Earth. Image taken from Facebook: @GIchocolats


Disney has become an ally in the fight against straw, considered an environmental pest.

The company announced this week that by mid-2019 will have completely eliminated from its parks and other facilities including the disposable tool of which only 500 million units by are consumed in the United States only.

In passing plastic "dissolvents" to dissolve sugar will be removed or other substances in beverages such as tea and coffee.

With this measure, the overall consumption of so-called plastic sorbets and strippers will be reduced by 175 million and 13 million units according to Disney, which also aims to minimize the number of bags in Disposable plastic and ending up with cups made of polystyrene synthetic resin.

The company recalled that since 1995, C Disney Conservation has spent more than $ 70 million to reverse the decline of wildlife around the world. He does not say it in this text, but many of these animals have also been the main protagonists of his animation films.

We also reduced our net greenhouse gas emissions by 41% in 2017 and hijacked nearly 50% of what signifies remarkable progress in our long-term goal of achieving zero net gas emissions greenhouse gas and waste, while saving water resources, "says a Disney release

. The site of the movement "The Last Plastic Straw" (LPS), which proudly claims its membership in the Coalition against Plastic Pollution, echoes in the announcement of Disney, which in this followed the footsteps of others such as Starbucks and Alaska Airlines in addition to small businesses in various parts of the United States, Puerto Rico, Antigua and the Philippines.

Founded by the Californian Ja Ckie Nunez, who had the idea when in 2011 he served a glass of water with a plastic tube to suck that he had not asked, LPS is defined as a community volunteer project that defends the need to be "drastic" with the plastic "save" our ribs.

After having indicated that putting one after the other the straws that are consumed daily in the United States could give two and a half times around the planet Earth the movement proposes a simple "challenge For the environment, animals and health.

To restaurants, bars, cafes and others urgently to voluntarily remove the straws or at least provide only to those who expressly request it and in this case provide a fact of biodegradable or reusable materials.

Citizen claims that when he asks for a drink in a restaurant or bar, he specifies that he does not want straw and encourages another I will do the same thing in addition to inform the servers and the managers of the reasons and how to join this movement .

Basically, what they ask is the consumption "less" less, less waste and less of that object – to end the problem "at the source" before & # 39; 39, it reaches the rivers and seas and affects the animals that inhabit them . the existing information on the subject on the internet highlight two data: for a straw to be completely degraded, it is necessary to spend up to 200 years and each year a million d & rsquo; Birds and 100 thousand other marine animals die from plastic ingestion

* amgl

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