Do you eat a lot of sugar? – The Diario de Coahuila


CITY OF MEXICO (AP) .- Going through a bakery, seeing succulent stuffed buns and cakes and not giving in to them is almost as impossible as saying "no" when they offer you a dessert.

And it is these sweet foods they are extremely attractive to almost everyone. The "culprit" is our brain, which causes a series of chemicals that regulate our sense of desire for sweetness.

Although, yes, sweet food is usually delicious, we have a bad – very bad news: you cause Alzheimer's.

According to a study by scientists from the University of Columbia in New York City in which a link was found between sugar consumption and the risk of suffering from the disease.

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According to the Daily Mail, researchers analyzed the condition and diet of 2,226 people for seven years who had not of dementia at the beginning of the study.

According to the results, those people who added 30.3 grams of sugar in their food or drink each day had a 33% higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease than those who added only 5, 8 grams.

In addition, experts have noted that people who consume large amounts of soda and juice have 27% to suffer from dementia.

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