Do you have a headache? Come chili habanero


Eating habanero pepper can get rid of headache and arthritis … and the more it is spicy, the better it is.

According to the Scoville scale, one of the emblems of Yucatecan cuisine and one of the hottest peppers in the world contain high levels of capsaicin, an active chemical agent that contains hot peppers and anti-inflammatories that help to reduce these discomforts.

Beatriz Gaspar, nutrition specialist of the Regional General Hospital (HGR) No. 1 Social Security in Yucatan, said the habanero chili pepper had been studied several times and that it had been found that this food had several properties beneficial to health.

The Scoville units with habanero, between 200 and 500,000 units, also help relieve chronic intestinal diseases and the digestive process, in addition to providing vitamin C which helps strengthen the immune system and vitamin A, ideal for optimal eye function.


annual production of habanero pepper is obtained in Yucatan.

Antioxidants that it helps the body increase blood flow and prevent the formation of blood clots, thus avoiding thromboembolism and heart attacks.

But if you have gastritis or colitis, it is best to do it in a moderate way, because being irritant can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Although it is produced in states such as Baja California Sur, San Luis Potosi, Sonora and Tabasco, the Yucatán has the original designation of habanero pepper, which certifies its authenticity.

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