Do you want to know how much you are going to live? Your blood will tell you


Irasema Ovalle

If you want to know how much you are going to live then the ideal is that you attend with the scientists of Kings College of London who developed a blood film that will answer your huge doubt

The blood test tells you not only how long your life will be but what will be your health term and the speed with which you will begin to age this analysis is described in the journal International Journal of Epidemiology .

For its realization were based on studies done in more than 6,000 twins in which they sought to detect the metabolite called C-glyTrp which is related to aging this works as a chemical "imprint", which is different in each person, which can be changed since the indi viduo is an embryo thanks to the mother's diet.

This substance determines the weight of the baby at birth it can also indicate the aging of the person, also detects if the risk of suffering from diseases is performed which allows you to prevent them. Through this blood test, scientists have identified 21 substances that are related to aging so that they can tell you how much health you will have in your adult life, do you dare to make?




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