does not consider districts and is based on assumptions


The complete document of the challenge that Luis Miguel Barbosa Huerta presented in front of the electorate to demand the nullity of the election in Puebla, corroborates that the former candidate for the governorship by Morena misses the lawsuit. County councils to corroborate his saying that he won the election by 10 points.

It is based on only three assumptions: the overrun of Martha Erika Alonso's campaign limits, unfair access to the media, and the violation of constitutional principles, which subdivided it into the existence of a so-called electoral laboratory, state government intervention on polling day and substantial causes.

CENTRAL had access to the challenge, which consists of 174 pages, which was filed with the Electoral Institute of the State (IEE), and is based on senator's assumptions with license, journalistic notes and even Facebook post, notarized.

The mpugnación resource is linked to the 26 appeals of dissatisfaction filed against the 16 district chiefs: "The present challenge concerns 26 dissenting appeals brought before the 26 district councils against the minutes of the trial. calculation of the election of the governor, as well as the appeal of dissatisfaction promoted by the political party Morena against the same act that is fought here. "

But in his challenge, Barbosa Huerta does not speak no more on district leaders, emphasizes the grounds for nullity such as the fact that the PAN candidate, Martha Erika Alonso exceeded campaign spending limits, had greater access to the media and "acts of violence" during the polling day as well as the supposed "Electoral Laboratory" that the PAN set up at the MM Hotel, although it does not present the evidence and refers only to journalistic notes.

The first argument, one of the campaign costs is low, since in his final report Martha Erika Alonso reported an expenditure of 22 million 528 thousand pesos, when the stop is 42 million weight , reason why still has a "cushion" of 20 million in if they corroborate that no expense has been reported.

In the case of the violence unleashed in Puebla on the day of the election, the electorate officially reported incidents in 70 of the 7,000 546 spaces that were installed, which represents only 1% , to be canceled for this cause must represent 20%.

In addition, the violence did not diminish citizen participation, since Puebla presented its highest level of participation with 70% for the election to the governor.

Also the subject of the supposed PAN laboratory in the MM Hotel is a subject already tried, since it was the same Fépade that he published an earlier report of the investigation that He did in which he revealed that all documents found two are legal, not like Morena had made him believe.

The former Morena candidate predicted that the decision of the Electoral Court of the Federal Judicial Branch (TEPJF) is against him, arguing that he would be bound to the former governor of Puebla, Rafael Moreno Valle; Barbosa anticipates his defeat at TEPJF: "I hope that the corrupting arm will not reach them"

On the night of July 6, the State Electoral Institute (IEE) confirmed the triumph of PAN Martha Erika Alonso Hidalgo after the conclusion of district accounts. According to the results of this account, the former secretary general of PAN won by a difference of 4.12% to obtain a million 152 thousand 125 votes, or 38.05% of the vote; while his Morena opponent, Luis Miguel Barbosa reached one million of 027,000 votes, with 33.09%. The difference is 4.12%, making a total of 125,000 votes 125.

However, Barbosa was not satisfied with the results and first assured that he won by 10 points and that they have committed a fraud, although, not having the minutes, has changed his speech and for a few weeks refers to asking for nullity.

In the grounds of nullity of the election to exceed the limits of campaign expenses, Miguel Barbosa assumes that the PAN Martha Erika Alonso has exceeded the budget allocated by the IEE for the election to governor of 42.9 million pesos, because the wife of former governor Rafael Moreno Valle reported an expense of 22 million 500 thousand pesos. […] In the aforementioned written complaint At the regular session of the General Council of the National Electoral Institute, held on June 20, 2018, the report on the Register of Income and Expenses of Candidates of the Federal and Local Electoral Process 2017- 2018 was submitted with a to June 17, 2018 (Oversight Committee) (…) Of said cut of the expenses of the candidates, which is contained in the report on the register of the operations of the incomes and expenses of the candidates of the federal electoral process and Local 2017-2018, as of June 17, 2018, it is noted that the Puebla state governor candidate, Martha Erika Alonso Hidalgo, by the Por Puebla al Frente coalition, reported an expense, only up to 39 on that date for an amount of $ 18,043,952.85 (eighteen million forty-three thousand nine hundred fifty-two pesos 85/100 MN). What lets us assume and generates the indication that the day of the filing of the complaint, the denounced candidate has exceeded the campaign expenditure ceiling approved by the National Electoral Institute. "

And in her challenge, Barbosa Huerta made a breakdown of the alleged expenses that Martha Erika Alonso did not report and that were the subject of a complaint to the INE on June 26, which according to him, amounted to 38 million 288 thousand 710 pesos that are separated in six cases

Thus, on June 26, 2018, the representation of the political party Morena in front of the General Council of 39 National Electoral Institute has filed a complaint regarding control, with a reduction in campaign expenses to June 7, 2018, estimating an expenditure in the legal campaign period of $ 38,288,710.74 (…). "

He speaks also the complaint that Morena filed with the local council of INE, for the events that he had in the former NAP candidate to the Presidency, Ricardo Anaya Cortés from 6 to 8 April and for those who, according to Barbosa, were disbursed 54 million pesos, also refers to the place pa by Compromiso por Puebla during the inter-campaign period and for which

All of the above, evidence of a simple and natural expense, the alleged expense made by the Por Puebla al Frente coalition and its candidate, who, once declared as the violation by the results of the National Electoral Institute enough, in itself, to update the hypothesis of nullity provided in the electoral legislation. "

And also assumes that the PAN exceeded the limits of campaign spending when revising its social networks:" In addition, they approach the electoral authority more elements that prevent spending of advance campaign. This was achieved after using a methodology consisting mainly of observing the publications of Martha Erika Alonso Hidalgo, on her Twitter account @MarthaErikaAlonso, as well as the collection of data and photographic and video material, concerning the systematicity of the political events ". [19659002] In addition, the document refers to videos and photographs of the events of Martha Erika Alonso: "It is possible to appreciate that the supporters were mobilized by private vehicles, refreshments were given during the events, and utilitarian material was delivered caps, shirts, umbrellas and flags. "For all this and based on social media publications, Barbosa infers that PAN has exercised throughout his campaign 54 million 338 thousand 664 pesos.

In his challenge the licensed senator states that his opponent PAN had more official spaces on the radio and the television, despite the fact that these are assigned by the INE and that according to the previous votes by political party, as well as the fact that they are in a coalition or not. Despite this, the former PRD insists in his writings that the NAP had more space: "During the period from the beginning of the electoral process until election day, the circulation of the candidacy of the candidate for the governorship of Puebla From the Por Puebla al Frente coalition, in the media, such as radio and television, print and internet, both in the spaces managed by the INE and those of each such as the media, absolutely superior to those of the candidacy of other political parties, particularly the undersigned, in addition to the information that has been treated in a tendentious manner, which presumably constituted a violation of the principle of 39, fairness in the contest. "

Miguel Barbosa reports that Alonso Hidalgo has appropriated all the spaces that INE has assigned to political parties without giving the candidates the opportunity to the coalition of Puebla In front of 39, other popular election positions, they could be promoted.

In addition, he insists that the media has been biased and skewed with information to promote the NAP. As evidence of this "unequal access to the media" offers monitoring of electoral bodies. He also notes that the tendency of the Party's commitment in Puebla (CPP) to broadcast a PAN position in the inter-campaign period violated Article 41 of the Mexican Constitution: "In the party which establishes the right of all candidates for popular election positions, access to social media. "

It is an obvious fact and accredited with the official control of the media developed by the IEE , that the mass media spread excessive and biased information and note in favor of the coalition candidate Por Puebla al Frente and against me. "

One of the complaints is identified with the file number of the INE / Q-COFUTF / 396/2018 / PUE control sanction procedure filed on 8 June 2018, in which a campaign expenditure of 54 million pesos was denounced regardless of planned campaign expenses made in one way with the presidential candidate, Ricardo Anaya Cortés, from April 6 to 8, 2018, as well as the acquisition of time at the radio and television administered by the INE corresponding to the prerogative of the local political party Compromiso por Puebla.

The former candidate of Morena also alleges that the principle of certainty has been violated, he asks so that all the boxes are open and that a new calculation is done with all the election ballots: "Certainly, the fact that it was obvious that, in the boxes where the account was done, there will be a substantial difference in s the vote initially registered, it forms a basis to support the origin of the realization of new polls and calculation in the universe of polling stations, because it is possible to find the same irregularity or inconsistency. "To request the new count, he argues that Article 314 of the Puebla Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures (COIPEP) requires administrators to recount or scrutinize an election when the number of votes no one is greater than the difference in votes between first and second places.

In this sense, the results of the district calculations showed that the difference in votes between the first place candidate and the one who occupied the second place is 120 thousand 641 votes.On the other hand, the total number of invalid votes was 128 thousand 535. "

Also, subdivides the violation of constitutional principles into" Acts of violence during the day of poll that had a decisive impact on the outcome of the election to the governor of the state of Puebla ", and presumed the intervention of Governor Tony Gali, also includes the" arbitrary "detention of 14 brigadists Morena, the theft of election materials with the "consent of the state government", the omission of the state government to investigate irregularities before and during election day, vote the purchase and widespread violence in polling stations.

In the request for the cancellation of the election, Miguel Barbosa refers to the so-called "Electoral Laboratory" which, according to the PAN, MM Hotel, in which according to the manipulation and falsification of electoral material , he also refers that there was a violation of the fairness of the electoral contest The anticipated campaign actions by Martha Erika Alonso and the original examination and calculation records were subtracted by "l & rsquo; Electoral authority ".

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