Does Prince Harry refuse to take Meghan by the hand?


Since it was revealed that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had an affair, the couple has not ceased to be the object of a world attention

. the most persecuted and the most commented and although the couple was very happy and in love today has broadcast a video where Harry apparently rejects the hand of his wife now.

Last week Meghan Markle and Prince Harry accompanied Queen Elizabeth II to the Young Leaders Awards at Buckingham Palace, where the now-Duchess of Sussex was severely criticized for her way to cross the legs.

  Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle's way of crossing the legs has been heavily criticized. Photo: Getty Images

But what caught the attention of some British media, is the embarrassing moment where the former actress was able to disguise herself when her husband Prince Harry took it in their hands as they walked.

So let's see a video published by The Sun newspaper where the moment Meghan reaches out for Harry to take and walk together, but he omitted the gesture of his wife and the two continued to walk as if from nothing

Meghan Markle, expert in camouflage situations by her actress training, hid this little incident by stroking her hair, which gave the impression of being light in front of the cameras . ] Remember Melania

It was inevitable to remember the uncomfortable moment that the first American lady, Melania Trump, lived when her husband, President Donald Trump, ignored her when they met Obama on the 20th. January, 2017.

As can be seen in the videos of today, Donald Trump has made several gestures to his wife. The current president of the United States did not wait for Melania when she got out of the car, did not take her arm, and headed to the residence where the Obama couple was waiting for them a few steps in front of her. she.

And although what happened with Meghan and Prince Harry is far from what Donald did to Melania, you may notice the uncomfortable moment

  Meghan Markle and Harry
The protocol says that no sample can be given.

Why did Harry do it?

The reality is that Prince Harry did not want to break the protocol, so he avoided taking the hand of his wife Meghan, who will have to get used to different situations and adapt to the British royalty.

And it is that the grandson of Isabel II who presided over this act in the palace, follows the rules in rejecting Meghan's hand, as it states that the members of the kingship can only express signs of affection in official events.

Meghan Markle will have to adapt to her new life and follow the example of Kate Middleton, who with Prince William follows this rule to the letter

By CARAS México @ CARASmexico
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