Does soap in public places carry infections?


If you find a soap in a public place, would you use it? You may be wary of who used it before and if instead of washing your hands you will be exposed to an infection.

Dr. Richard Klasco, Writer of Medicine and Health for the New York Times shares on the research that a group of scientists has done to determine if there is a risk of contagion during the Use of bar soap in public places.

In 1965, researchers contaminated their hands with five thousand different bacteria that caused diseases such as staphylococci. They wash their hands with a bar of soap and ask a second person to wash their hands with the same soap. Then they checked that the bacteria were not transmitted.


" The amount of bacteria in a bar of soap, even under extreme conditions of use (such as frequent use, soap trays can not be drained, etc.) does not constitute a health risk. "


Then, in 1988, in another scientific study, he rechecked the result. Researchers at the time contaminated a soap containing pathogenic bacteria like E. coli and Pseudomonas and asked 16 participants to wash their hands with them. No Infection Contracted

" Therefore, the only mistake that a person may commit is to avoid washing their hands because of an unfounded fear of contamination. "

Richard Klasco

. Dr. New York Times