Dollar price Thursday, June 28, 2018


CITY OF MEXICO.- At the end of the day of this Thursday, in the banks of Mexico City the free dollar was sold until 20.05 pesos 40 cents less than the previous closing, according to Citibanamex

The US dollar was bought at a minimum price of 18.55 pesos

In turn, the Banco de México (Banxico) set at 19.8633 pesos the exchange rate to cover bonds denominated in foreign currency payable in the country.

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The euro is sold at up to 23.13 pesos in the capital's banks

The Mexican peso enjoyed Thursday, June 28 in a volatile session following comments from A vice-governor. Banxico and a few days before the presidential elections.

Operators mentioned that the market is expecting the local currency to appreciate after Sunday's elections.

The local currency was the most popular among the 36 most liquid currencies in the world

Banxico's deputy governor, Javier Guzmán, said that additional adjustments to the benchmark interest rate should not be excluded. The risks of inflation in Mexico tend to increase in the current context

An operator mentioned, regarding the vision that he perceived among market participants before the elections: "All the world is talking about weight will be appreciated when finished uncertainty, whoever wins will win. "

A director of the Bank of Mexico said this week that markets should not be shaken if López Obrador wins the # Presidential election, since participants have already incorporated this scenario.

With Reuters information.


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