Dollar Sells at $ 19.97 in AICM Trading Houses


  The dollar sells for $ 19.97 at AICM exchange offices

The greenback is offered at 20.05 pesos, while the lowest price at the purchase is at 18.25 pesos


On Tuesday, the dollar trades on average at 19.97 pesos for sale and 18.72 pesos on purchases at the exchange offices located at the international airport " Benito Juárez " from Mexico.

The greenback is offered up to 20.05 pesos, while the lowest price at the purchase is 18.25 pesos.

In turn, the euro sells for up to 25.65 pesos and is bought at a minimum of 23.96 pesos

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This morning, the pound sterling is sold at a maximum of 28.40 pesos and is obtained at a minimum of 26.00 pesos ; while the Yen is shipped at 0.25 per unit and is purchased at 0.17 per unit.

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