Domestic struggles affect road service in Chihuahua


Chihuahua-The struggles within the traffic police have resulted in a series of assignments to the population, so yesterday the license service was suspended for a so-called "fall" of the system, leaving tens of people unable to perform this procedure, while the owners of vehicles that were confiscated have had to wait until five o'clock for them to be able to deliver their car, due to the lack of personnel who do not Did not come to work.

The company claimed that there was no breakdown in the system, but rather that there was a lack of staff to look after those who came to treat or renew their driving license, a situation that was also presented in the field of vehicle delivery. before 8:00, he had to wait until noon for delivery of the car.

The conflicts that have inside the company stems from the differences between the state security commissioner, Oscar Alberto Aparicio Avendaño, and the commander of the traffic police, Carlos Armando Reyes López, who were in evidence on March 22 during the reopening of the "Mini City" of the sportsman José Pistolas Meneses, when in the absence of the Attorney General, César Peniche, there was a discussion about who would represent the governor of the city. State, which caused the Security Commissioner and the Director General of the Interior, Joel Gallegos, will retreat from the event before its start.

From there, on Monday, March 26, Carlos Reyes, commissioner of Roads, submitted his resignation to the post, which was not accepted by the governor Javier Corral Jurado, so he continues to the front of the corporation and with that the differences that he maintains with his immediate leader, Aparicio Avendaño.

This caused a deep crisis tiva in the traffic police, because according to the reports of the Advisory Board of Road Safety, speeding tickets or impaired driving offenses collapsed by 50% in March, April and May, due to lack of patrols that reduced the presence of elements in the streets of the state capital. Statements of some elements indicate that only 50 units went out on patrol, which had to monitor the flow of nearly half a million cars that travel daily in the city.

The May Police "Data and Trends" Report This year was stable in April 2018 and found 884 penalties for drivers exceeding speed limits, although at the same time, but 2017, they were 3 thousand 176 offenses. Similar behavior occurs in the fines for drunkenness: in April of last year, they were 574, while in the same month, but this year, only 352 offenses were recorded.

During the month of June, Carlos Orozco, president of the Advisory Council on Road Safety, asserted that the traffic police is the sector that has received the least attention, since 80 units have been withdrawn and only 20 were replaced, some of which were assigned to company controls

In mid-June, Carlos Reyes said that about 110 units were in use, unlike the 50 units reported by officers, but the ideal number of quarters compared to the vehicle register is 150 patrols. 19659002] On May 30, vehicles were delivered to the various divisions of the State Security Commission, which remained exposed for about six days in Plaza Mayor Square, once the delivery was made units were transferred to the state security complex, where they remained sheltered for several days.

On July 11, it was learned that due to internal problems the 27 units that were delivered to the streets and concentrated in the courts of the dependency, this because of the "crossed" instructions, because the The company's delegate, who internally relate as "people" Aparicio Avendaño, ordered to go out patrolling, but the director Carlos Reyes ordered them to return safely, on the pretext that it was about the same. an administrative process to complete the equipment of the new patrols.

The Road Division has a deficit of nearly 90 patrols, since they were unloaded about 100 units that were in appalling conditions and so far, have been renovated just under 50.

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