Donald Trump canceled his visit to Colombia


US President Donald Trump has postponed the visit he planned to make to Colombia on December 2, official sources said today.

According to the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the postponement is due to the fact that Trump is changing "its agenda in Latin America", which includes visiting Colombia after attending the G-20 summit in Argentina.

"The Colombian government has announced that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, has decided to postpone his visit to Colombia, that his program in Latin America had been modified and that, therefore, his arrival in our country also. for the meeting of Colombian and US Presidents ", said the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a brief statement.

Trump had planned to travel to Iván Duque after the G20 summit, to be held in Buenos Aires from 30 November to 1 December. The cancellation is the second since last April, after the Summit of the Americas in Lima, he also visited the Colombian territory, but at the last moment, the visit was cut short since Trump decided not to go to Lima and sent Mike Pence at his post. place.

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