Donald Trump claims peace with North Korea


Notimex Agency

President United States Donald Trump defends his approach to North Korea to find a agreement denuclearization and accredited the absence of acts of provocation of the regime of this Asian nation as a success of its proceedings.

The agent even sought to proclaim generator of a state of peace strained on the Korean peninsula, on the eve of the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo who begins his third trip Thursday Pyongyang to continue the talks for this purpose.

"If it were not for me, we would be in war with Korea North," Trump told a message on Twitter.

The President said that they were detained "Many good conversations" with the North Korean authorities [19659012] led by the US ambassador to the Philippines, Sung Kim

"Meanwhile, there was no launch of rockets or nuclear tests in eight months. Asia is enthusiastic .Only the opposition party, which includes the false news, complains, "he said.

As his spokesman, Sara Sanders did on Monday, Trump avoided responding to Pyongyang ] The newspaper The Wall Street Journal revealed Monday, supported by satellite images, that North Korea has extended a facility dedicated to the manufacture of solid-fuel ballistic missiles.

Pompeo will visit the nation for the third time since last April and meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, while the two governments seek consensus on a possible agreement.



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