Donald Trump raised an invasion of Venezuela


World leaders eat, after the UN assembly, in New York. Photo: AP

Last August, at a meeting in the Oval Office, US President Donald Trump launched a question that frightened his advisers: since the situation in Venezuela threatens regional security, why the United States invade the South American country? The interrogation stunned those present at the meeting, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and National Security Advisor, General HR McMaster, who was no longer part of the meeting. American executive

The story, until now unknown, of the conversation comes from a senior official, familiar with what was said then, who spoke on condition of anonymity in Because of the subject's sensitivity

In a five-minute conversation, McMaster and others, speaking in turn, explained to the Republican the negative consequences of an invasion, which would cost Washington the support Latin American governments, won with great effort, to punish President Nicolás Maduro to take to Venezuela on the road to dictatorship

" The US press reveals that Trump has raised to his immediate advisers the # 39; Invasio n army against Venezuela in August 2017, at a meeting in the Oval Office. This is proof that the attacks against Brother Nicolás Maduro are part of an imperialist conspiracy. "

Evo Morales

President of Bolivia

Without giving any indication that he was going to order the development of military plans, Trump explained that there were several examples of what he considered as the successful use of force in the region, according to the source, as the invasions of Panama and Grenada, in the 1980s.

The idea of ​​l & # 39; 39 military option still hovered the head of the president despite the attempts of his advisers to crush him.The next day, August 11, Trump provoked the astonishment of friends and foes by talking to one another. "Military option" to overthrow the Venezuelan president

At first, these public statements were considered the kind of martial bravado that could be expected from the reality TV star became commander-in-chief, but shortly thereafter he spoke about the uestion with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, explained the official. Two Colombian officials confirmed the information, under the guise of anonymity

" People inside and outside the government know that they can Ignore much of what Trump says. The disturbing fact is that it has aroused expectations among many Venezuelans, hoping that an outside actor will come to save him s [19659006] Mark Feierstein

Head of Latin American Affairs of the National Security Council of Obama [19659008] In September, at the United Nations General Assembly, Trump again raised the issue during A private dinner with Santos and three other Latin American allies, said these three sources and reported online magazine Politico in February. "My staff told me not to talk about it, "said the mogul before asking his counterparts when they were were sure that they did not want a military solution.

White House declined to comment on private talks But a spokesman for the National Security Council reiterated that the United States will explore all the options available to help restore democracy and bring stability in Venezuela. Under Trump's leadership, the United States, Canada, and the European Union have applied sanctions against dozens of senior Venezuelan officials and Maduro himself, whom they accuse of bribery, drug trafficking and human rights violations. Washington has contributed more than $ 30 million to Venezuela 's neighbors to help them absorb more than a million migrants who have fled the country.

  • El Dato: Santos fervent supporter of the American attempts to isolate Maduro, declared that an invasion would not benefit from any support

"Without protest he would There will be no change ": Opponent

The current situation of the opposition is questioned by various sectors of the country, among which are the leaders themselves who are hostile to the government. "Outside, they can support, help, but if there is no strength, mobilization, activation, demand, here there will be no change", said MP Miguel Pizarro, making a self-criticism of the most recent actions

El Parlamentario He acknowledged that the opposition is not going through its best moment. "We were extremely inefficient at building expectations, and we ended up accumulating frustrations," Pizarro told the 74th Assembly of the Federation of Venezuelan Trade and Production Chambers and Associations (Fedecámaras).

The leader criticized those who act according to the polls. Pizarro explained that getting used to the crisis in the country encourages the reduction of the political cost of abuses committed by the executive.

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