Down, disease transmission by mosquitoes


MORELIA, Michigan, July 16, 2018.- During the first half of the year, the transmission of diseases such as dengue, zika and chikungunya was reduced by 43% over the same period last year. Dr. Luis Alberto Arriaga, Head of the Department of Vector-Borne Diseases and Zoonoses, reported that 55 cases of non-severe dengue and two cases with warning signs have been reported to date. like the death of a four year old child at the beginning of the year in Huetamo municipality.

"We have the presence of three cases of chikungunya in the health jurisdiction of Lázaro Cárdenas and one of Zika in the jurisdiction of Zamora, locality of Briseñas, but this one is imported, is a person who has traveled to Jalisco and is returned with the symptoms, "he details.

However, the health authorities maintain control and monitoring actions, since during the rainy season, breeding and the presence of the mosquito that transmits this type of diseases are intensifying and there is no has no treatment.

"The cycle in which the virus enters (into the body) produces disease and retreat, which is between five and seven days old.When we have a patient with an illness like this, since we detect it, we tell him give symptomatic medications, for fever and to calm the pain, "he explains

they may be infected with the virus, and when they are corroborated, a spatial nebulization is performed.

Most Large presence of dengue patients is registered in the city of Yurécuaro, in the health jurisdiction of La Piedad, because of its proximity to the state of Jalisco.However, the situation has been controlled, said Dr. Luis Alberto Arriaga

Although fever is the symptom that occurs in the three diseases caused by mosquito bites, there are some that help to differentiate them.

Dengue fever also accompanies head, of retr ocular (behind the eyes) and bones and muscles, resulting in limitations and disability for a few days; Chikungunya has the same symptoms, but joint pain is stronger and tends to swell.

While with the Zika, there is a greater presence of spots on the skin, known as rash.

It is recommended to the public to wear long-sleeved T-shirts, light colors, avoid going out early in the morning and at dusk, and repel against mosquitoes.

At home, avoid breeding mosquitoes in these containers. a single corcholata can accumulate up to 200 eggs from a female mosquito

The most affected population is between 14 and 65 years old; However, this year there have also been cases between seven and 14 years old. "We are all exposed, but we must take special care of those under five and over 65 because their immune systems are more compromised."

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