Download Instagram Lite, the exclusive light version for Mexico


Instagram has launched Instagram Lite this week, a scaled down version of its Android app, which is great for users who have low-end equipment, or who have little storage space on their devices. [19659002] The app has been launched exclusively for Mexico, but Instagram has mentioned that the version will reach more markets throughout the year, however, if you want to download it and you do not have it. are not in Mexico, you can install the APK we leave below

Obviously Instagram Lite is a much lighter version compared to the "normal" application , but it also makes it a lot more austere, so fans of this service will likely find their experience of using diminished, as they still lack many features that we find in the heavier version.

Instagram launches new updates For the platform

Similarly, videos are not automatically reproduced in stories or in the scenario, a situation that benefits users in their data consumption because if we have to mention a top 5 Instagram apps use this group of apps.

Speaking of design, Instagram Lite is very similar to the "normal" version, which is to be welcomed, as most Lite versions tend to be much more austere. in the design, situation that we will not see here

However, as the application is in its first days of life, it still lacks 39; tools and functions needed, like downloading videos because we can share stories, but not share videos in our timeline, plus we do not have access to IGTV or Direct, therefore, we can not use video calls either.

General terms The application is compliant, and will surely work well on devices with reduced technical capabilities, so maybe you should try Instagram Lite.

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