Download these free games and payment apps for Android


From time to time, Google offers special discounts on apps and games for Android users, which may vary by a specific percentage, to offer them for free, as it is the case of all the apps and games we show below. ] Remember that these offers are available for a limited time, and can return to the original price at any time, so if you want a game or a totally free application, do not miss this opportunity.

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Noise FM – Unlocker

Original price: 95 MXN

Download here.

Pro Qr code player

Original price: 85 MXN

Download here

Pro music player

Original price: 79 MXN

Download here.

Pro Weather Hour

Original price: 75 MXN


Electron Config Pro

Original price: $ 59 MXN

Download here.

Notes EZ

Original price: 20 MXN

Download here

Trueshot Swing Tempo

Original price: 21 MXN

Download here.

Police Lights 2: PRO

Original price: $ 19 MXN

Download here.

Music Elite Pro

Original price: 5 MXN


Oneamp Pro – Music player

Original price: 5 MXN

Download here.


Wonder Knights VIP: Retro Shooter RPG

Original price: 69 MXN

Download here


inCharge, the cable that can charge iOS and Android devices

Hero VIP Timing: Retro Fighting Action RPG

Original price: 69 MXN

Download here

The revenge of Stickman 3: League of Heroes

Original Price: $ 59 MXN [19659006]Download here.

The Lost Treasure Hunt

Starting price: $ 55 MXN

Download here.

TA: Little Red Riding Hood

Starting Price: 45 $ MXN

Click Here.

Pigeon: Pajarito Rebutton – Puzzle Plataformero

Starting price:


Starting price $ 38 MXN


Monkejs: Ice Quest

Original price: 29 MXN

Download here

Finger Finger – 10 Players

Original price: 18 MXN

Download here

Hitman Elite Sniper

Price initial: $ 9 MXN

Download here.

Secretaries of Tombs VR2

Original price: 5 MXN

Download here

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