Drinking more cups of coffee helps you live longer


SPAIN.- Several recent studies have revealed the benefits of drinking coffee. It is generally accepted that this drink has positive effects if consumed in moderate amounts, but warns that it can be dangerous if abused.

But now, a macro study conducted in the United Kingdom and the results of which have been published in JAMA Internal Medicine, reveals that coffee consumption can help you live longer, even when you consume eight cups a day, reports Quo.com portal.

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The study's authors have worked with more than half a year million volunteers for ten years. Coffee, and what they observed, was that there seemed to be a connection between alcohol and longevity. In other words, those who drank it lived longer than those who drank it.

E The study also revealed that it was better to drink eight cups a day (the one from the espresso), which does not make any difference. does not take it, is also "inversely associated with mortality".

The novelty of this study, in addition to the large number of volunteers who made up the sample, was that variations were taken into account. The genetics of each of them in the metabolism of caffeine. Volunteers who drank coffee seemed to have a longer life.

The lead author of the research, Erikka Loftfield, pointed out that decaffeination also had a positive impact because the components of coffee, with the exception of caffeine, could be the key of the prolongation of life

The study has its limits, since it is observational, and therefore does not allow to categorically establish the existence of life. a cause and an effect. But its results are very interesting and, of course, will be appreciated by those who tend to pass (as is the case of who signs this), with the number of daily servings.

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