Drought and winds increase California fires


CALIFORNIA.- Nearly 12,000 firefighters fight the uncontrolled flames of 17 major fires moving in California, fueled by drought and winds that the state suffers, where they have already killed at least seven people and tens of thousands of hectares have been burned.

"I have lived in this community all my life and I have never seen a fire that caused so much damage," said Shasta County Chief Leonard Moty, referring to the fire "Carr", one of the most important, ravaging the Northern California .

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Alyce Macken recalled that she and her husband Ted only had a few minutes to flee their home in the city of Redding: "At six in the morning, someone knocked on the door, and the commissioner told us we had 15 minutes to go out, we left at 10 am I was shaking."

Macken, who is retired, explains that she fled and that she found other neighbors who were victims of panic in a nearby shopping center, from where she saw how his house burned.

A thick cloud of smoke covering much of northern California caused respiratory problems and limited visibility …

"It was almost like a tornado of fire that came on the hill and swept our house swept our neighbor's house, "he explained.

Authorities evacuated about 38,000 residents in Shasta County due to Carr's fire , which has already razed about 39 000 hectares and only 17% of the fire is controlled.

A thick cloud of smoke covering much of northern California has caused respiratory problems and limited visibility

According to the California Governor's Emergency Services Office (Cal OES), 12,000 firefighters from as far away as Florida and New Jersey have been deployed in all the State.

Information from the Internet portal Milenio information

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