Drug a 5 year old girl, raped and spread photos by WhatsApp


A woman allowed, in return for money, for her five-year-old daughter to be drugged and raped, and for images of sexual assaults since last year to be broadcast on WhatsApp.

The Attorney General's office informed that the woman, aged 43, was arrested and linked to her daughter's sexual exploitation process. In addition, she remains in pre-trial detention at the Santa Marta Acatitla Women's Social Rehabilitation Center.

The authorities are already looking for two other people who participated in the sexual exploitation of the minor, in complicity with the mother.

According to the record, on June 22, the Attorney General's office received an anonymous report on the sexual exploitation suffered by the girl, who was allegedly drugged by two subjects to leave her vulnerable.

According to the complaint, the images They were broadcast by WhatsApp

Elements of the investigation police were transferred to the house of Guerrero district, delegation of Cuauhtémoc, where the woman was arrested and the girl has been saved.

located the father of the child, who said that he was unaware of the crime of which his daughter was the victim, so he went to the prosecutor's office to bring his complaint.

During her interview, the woman said that since May 2017 she had obtained economic benefits for the sexual exploitation of the victim, an offense that he committed in complicity with two other people in the neighborhood Ciudad Jardín, delegation of Coyoacán, where the home of a

Authorities verified the sexual assault of which the girl was victim and were "determined to have factors of vulnerability and affectation in their free development of personality, as well as a symptomatology consistent with victims of sexual assault ".

During the initial hearing, the judge described as legal the arrest of the accused and linked him to the process of human trafficking, in his modality of aggravated sexual exploitation.

On Guilty, According to the General Law on Trafficking in Persons, the accused could reach a prison term of up to 30 years.



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