during the first month, 76% of the vaccinated were exceeded


October 1st began the national measles and rubella surveillance campaign that will end on November 30th. The province has already vaccinated more than 76% of the vulnerable population in this first month. In the last phase, they reinforce field work to apply the doses to missing children. After Jujuy, Corrientes is the jurisdiction that placed the most vaccines.
"We have closed the fourth week with 56,000 doses, we are already in the fifth week and we are working in the field throughout the province," Corrientes Vaccination Director Angelina Bobadilla told El Litoral yesterday.
In Corrientes, it is estimated that the campaign will reach 73,108 minors, from 13 months to 4 years inclusive. These are the ones that have a single applied dose; the second is for school income.
In this sense, health workers are looking for this population that has not yet been vaccinated. From neighborhood health centers, Caps and Saps, they go to neighborhoods and look house by house for children who have not yet received this extra dose.
The applications were available in mobile vaccines, in common spaces such as Plaza Vera or Cambá Cuá Park in the capital, as well as as part of this free and compulsory dose in the gardens. But the group to be vaccinated, they explained, is the one that is the most difficult to achieve. They therefore reinforce the work on the ground.
It should be recalled that the goal is to vaccinate all children aged 13 months to 4 years inclusive with an additional mandatory and free dose of triroviral vaccine, regardless of their previous immunization status. The triple viral vaccine is also an opportunity to protect against mumps and no medical prescription will be required.
The important thing is that Argentina has succeeded in eliminating the endemic circulation of measles and rubella. However, these viruses continue to cause diseases in other countries. The permanent mobility of people generates a risk of reintroduction of these viruses in the country. Vaccination is the most effective strategy for preventing these diseases.
The immunization team applies doses of the triple virus in the mobile vaccination installed from Monday to Friday in Plaza Vera, from 9h to 12h and from 17h to 20h. In addition, at Angela I. de Llano Hospital, from 9am to 12.30pm. , from Monday to Friday and Monday and Tuesday from 13h to 17h and Wednesday and Thursday from 8h to 11h, at the Vaccination of the National University of North-East (Unne), Córdoba 1470.
Doses are also available at all vaccinated health centers in the province and in health operations in different neighborhoods.

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