Dying the teen who escaped with his boyfriend [Estados] – 30/06/2018


Hidalgo.- A 15-year-old girl died while her boyfriend of the same age was injured after accidentally escaping into the wooded area of ​​the municipality of Atotonilco El Grande.

Young people went missing after leaving their homes when they had their attention. Neighbors of the community have started the search, and the authorities have put in place agents with dogs and drones.

The two teenagers went to the forest where they slept outside and ingested only water and plants. For several days they walked aimlessly until arriving at a wild land, where trying to cross they suffered several wounds, but the youngster in his attempt to reach a rock hit his head .

Two days after the accident they walked up to the young person he lost consciousness, which forced his partner to follow a pipeline that brought him to a community in Meztitlan where he was asked for help.

For several hours, elements of several police forces tried to reach the woman. , however, it was until Friday that his body was located.

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