EA details the Battlefield V DLCs and their Battle Royale mode


Electronic Arts has posted on its official website an image that reveals the post-launch content of Battlefield V. We remind you that EA sells this game as a service, that is to say that it will add content and try to keep the game online as balanced as possible.

With the publication of the image, there is an article that describes all the content of the DLC which, remember, will be free this time, there will be no seasonal pass. Thus, it was revealed that the Royal Battle Mode would arrive in March 2019 and would be the first style of person applying Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

You can read the entire publication here. Whatever it is, we will summarize them here and add the image for clarity. EA begins to breastfeed the development of BFV.

"8 maps in the frozen mountains, hot deserts and everything in between, 8 game modes, war stories for a player, excellent weapons game, large arsenal, vehicles, objects, progression, customization, specialization for weapons and vehicles and so much more, you'll have a lot to do on Nov. 20 during the launch. "Next, we present the following image.

In general, the game will change a lot but more precisely, there will be 3 big updates. The first with the latest war story, The Last Tiger, a new map for the multiplayer mode and a training center where you can practice shooting, driving and flying on the Hamada map in a controlled environment where you can not not die. You can also customize the vehicles and the weekly events will not be missed. This update will arrive between December and January.

The second update will arrive between January and March and, according to EA, will focus on vehicles and the infantry movement. It will also bring a cooperative game mode against artificial intelligence and you will get together with three other friends.

Finally, there will be two new game modes, Rush and Squad Contest with several weekly events.

In the latest update, which EA promises to arrive in March, will arrive Battle Battle V Battlefield called Firestorm. This game mode is developed internally by Criterion and promises a mix of everything that has been fun for years, Battlefield players. There will also be a new map of cooperatives.

Finally, EA promises that after the last update, there will be more content that will be added gradually.

Battlefield V will arrive on November 20th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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