Earn AMLO in QRoo in non-violent elections


In Quintana Roo were entitled to vote one million 208,000 666 citizens entered in the nominal list
  Win AMLO in QRoo in the free elections of violence Mara Lezama, candidate of Morena, won the victory of the mayor of Benito Juárez. Photo Alejandra Galicia / Corresponsales

CANCUN, Quintana Roo (The Silla Rota) .- Although most of the polling stations to Quintana Roo Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the next president of Mexico from 2018 to 2024.

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In Quintana Roo had the right to vote a million 208,000 666 citizens registered on the nominal list of the National Electoral Institute (INE), of which 28.9% were young people aged 25 and 34, which equates to more than 349,000 388 voters.

At the beginning of the day, thousands of Quintana Roo citizens went to polling stations while protecting themselves from the intense heat with umbrellas, cloth scarves, hats, caps and sunglasses.

Voters from the northern part of the state waited in the ranks and waited until the ballot boxes were installed. However, in over 40% of boxes, they opened after 9 am and in some cases until 10 am. In the morning, even the National Action Party (PAN) of Benito Juárez reported in a press conference various anomalies in the register of "guardians of the box", because the INE does not have a problem. had no complete record of the citizens who participated.

The special state squares unleashed the main disorganization problems and were the first polls to exhaust the ballots, since there were only spaces for 750 votes per square in the 20's. were installed in Quintana Roo . ] In the afternoon, at the closing of the polls, at 18:00, some polling centers open until two hours late closed the polls earlier according to the official protocol of the 39; INE. , which provoked in some polls the discontent of the voters who demanded access to the vote in dialogue with the representatives of the councils and in other cases with resounding words.

Although the citizens of the special, basic and contiguous squares of the south and north of Quintana Roo were left without the right to vote because of the expiration of the established schedule or because the ballots were exhausted, violence was reported against election workers and voters

. With the ballots in Cancún, they began arriving at 9:30 pm at the Electoral Institute of Quintana Roo (Ieqroo), while at the INE meetings of District 03 and 04 they are arrived at 22h. The number of votes in the state has grown slowly since the 24-hour court was counted 247 electoral packages with citizen votes, the equivalent of 11.7% of the two thousand 98 cells that should be counted in the state.

The rapid count of the INE revealed the triumph of Andrés Manuel López Obrador through the PREP of the INE, and at the 24-hour break, the system confirmed that the next President of the Republic obtained 68% of the votes in Quintana Roo followed by the presidential candidate Ricardo Anaya Cortés

In the municipality of Benito Juárez, the candidate Mara Lezama of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) wins and thanks the voters for their support. a public event on the esplanade of the municipal palace


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