earned 25% in one week and reached the highest value in two months


The greater interest of large investment funds in the future of cryptocurrency has raised prices of major cryptocurrencies
After citing at around $ 20,000 at the end of 2017 Bitcoin came down regularly until remains in around $ 6,500 which remained in the last two months .
But on Tuesday, the most used cryptocurrency crossed the barrier of $ 8,000 which has not occurred since the end of May ]. In this way, Bitcoin earned about US dollars in the last seven days and traded at $ 8,200 in the late afternoon on Tuesday.

According to several analysts the rebound is explained by information published a few days ago according to which BlackRock the largest fund manager in the world, would interested in the cryptocurrencies and in the blockchain technology that gave birth to Bitcoin.
But, as always when the most used cryptographic currency increases, the citations of the alternative currency – alternative currencies increase . According to the CoinMarketCap panel, Bitcoin increased from 7% in the last 24 hours, just behind Bitcoin Cash (8.6%) and LiteCoin (7.13%).
They also performed well Ethereum – the second-largest circulating volume cryptocurrency measured in dollars – with a rise of 5.46%, EOS which rose by 6.75%; and Stellar who appreciated 5.74%.

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