Earthquake in Mexico on September 19 modified DNA: your doctor


Post-traumatic stress can change many functions of the body.

After analyzing the people who lived in the earthquake in Mexico of on September 19 the specialists found that those who had suffered post-traumatic stress the structure of its DNA

Other scientific evidence had already indicated that after experiencing a traumatic event such as an earthquake or earthquake, there may be a significant change in the person's DNA and hormonal pathways

As a result, there may be symptoms of post-traumatic stress much more severe than in the rest of the population.

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Consequences of the earthquake in Mexico

To reach this conclusion, the researcher Humberto Nicolini Sánchez of the National Institute of Genomic Medicine (Inmegen), initiated a project that aimed to analyze the differences in the epigenome of people who developed post-traumatic stress disorder after the 19 September earthquake and among those who did not do it.

The researcher and his team analyzed patients diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. the National Institute of Psychiatry "Ramón de la Fuente Muniz", at the Children's Psychiatric Hospital "Juan N Navarro" and other health institutes

They took blood samples and of saliva to analyze the epigenetic and observe the possible changes. after experiencing the earthquake in Mexico on September 19th.

 Earthquake in Mexico

According to the results presented before Conacyt the environment is not the only factor causing post-traumatic stress, but there is also a genetic or epigenetic factor.

In addition, it all depends on how the quake was lived because some they directly caused the collapse of a building, others were trapped in the rubble and others were lucky, they simply felt the earthquake

All this causes different emotional effects in every person who has experienced the earthquake in Mexico. According to the researchers, there is a correlation between the severity of the event that each person lives and a higher frequency of post-traumatic stress.

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Effects of Post Traumatic Stress

] Normally, before an event like this, we feel fear and other reactions that prepare the body to fight or escape danger.

In case of posttraumatic stress, there is a difference from normal reactions that exist in a dangerous situation, because there may be symptoms so severe that they alter daily life and do not do not disappear with time.

 Post Traumatic Resistance

According to the researchers, the DNA of people does not change themselves when they experience a traumatic event, but by the presence of proteins that can add more molecules to certain parts of the genes.

otherwise, these new molecules clog the genes and prevent the cellular machinery from joining them or reading them correctly.

This process is called Methylation and it is epigenetic, that is, it is regulated by the environment and although it does not change not what is written in the genes, it can modify its activity.

Some studies warn that methylation or the amount of methyl in DNA is different in people with post-traumatic stress and those who do not.

These differences are concentrated in the receptor genes of cortisol which is the stress hormone and which is released in dangerous situations, such as the earthquake in Mexico on Sept. 19 [19659003] When there is post-traumatic stress, this hormone is constantly released, causing more severe symptoms than normal.

Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder

The symptoms that accompany post-traumatic stress disorder are:

Feel that the event is recurring

Difficulty sleeping

Feeling lonely [19659003] Explosion of anger

Feelings of worry, guilt and sadness

If you identify yourself with any of the symptoms, you should go immediately to ask for psychological help for prevent long-term problems.

>> You might be interested: How to overcome post-traumatic stress?

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