Eating nuts helps your manhood


Including them in your diet can be a determining factor in manhood

According to data from a study conducted by European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology eating nuts regularly helps your body in many ways [19659005] especially in virility .

To reach this conclusion, the researchers divided 119 healthy men, aged 18 to 35, into two groups to study the quality of their sperm.

The results showed that men who included 60 grams of walnuts and almonds in a 14-day diet, increased their sperm count by 14% [19659009]. the quality of their sperm has improved by 4%; which could facilitate the possibility of a pregnancy .

This study reinforces the theory that a diet rich in fatty acids such as omega 3, helps to improve

It should be noted that the study was applied to healthy men with no fertility problems, so this is not viable for those with infertility problems.

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