Einstein is still right


The name of Galileo is known in the scientific world thanks to the heliocentric theory, his inquisitorial judgment and his experience of free fall of two bodies of different composition, and thus measure their arrival at the Earth. What the scientific community was unaware of until then and what it could verify is nothing but the universality of freefall, as was recently reported in the journal Nature . The discovery would not be anything new, if it is for a peculiarity, and that is that the experiment was able to double at 4,200 light-years from the Earth with a set of star bodies.

know in different scientific portals, where a peculiarity was also noted: according to the experience of Galileo gravity is very closely related to the acceleration of a body, which means that if two objects with a different mass are dropped, they will arrive from point A to point B at the same time.

This principle served as a foundation for Einstein's theory of relativity and served as a basis for the research of the Radioastronomy Institute of 19459003 Holland (ASTRON), reviewed by the journal Nature ]

A theory in free fall

The study took as a starting point a set of stars called PSR J0337 + 1715, which was discovered in 2014. If the team followed the literally the experience of Galileo and the approach of Einstein faced two possible consequences due to the result: the first established that if the first celestial body, a neutron star and the two subsequent bodies, were in conformity; by two white dwarfs falling freely, it could cause a deformation in its inner orbit [VIDEO].

The second consequence, in which he derived the final result, establishes on the contrary that not only does he not produce This distortion would go, but, in addition, validate the universality of the principle of free fall, and with she, the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein [VIDEO].

And again, science shows that Einstein was right.

Prove a theory in the stars

Before, Einstein's theory would have been verified by the Eot-Wash group, by the French Microscope satellite and now again by the ASTRO Dutch. With more than four years difference between each observation, in each of them the validity of the theory of relativity has been proven by applying the principle of free fall. However, this does not mean that alternative theories to that of relativity, such as that proposed by Erik Verlinde and even string theory, will not necessarily be invalid, but they would be more difficult to prove. [19659012] This news has been verified by:

  • https://hipertextual.com/2018/07/einstein-relatividad-general-principio-equivalencia-experimento-galileo
  • https://elpais.com/elpais/2016/12/2/ciencia/1482345722_637965 .html

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