"El Bronco" s excuse for the incident of "the cadenita"


Monterrey.- Jaime Rodríguez Calderón He apologized to those who had been offended by his words in front of a citizen. He then told him that he had sold a chain to buy the camera from an elderly person who needed help.

In a video, "El Bronco" stated that he intended to clarify a little where "they say that I told him, well, if I say it to the Mrs Algeria Montes"To sell the chain, but she said that she was joking because she knew her, she's been her friend for a long timeand even participated with him in the campaign (for the governorship) and promoted independent candidacies throughout Mexico.

He explained that the incident had occurred Wednesday night at a meeting of about an hour and a half or so. that he attended Montes, Rocío Montalvo and part of his team of activists, where they tried to convince him not to raise transport fares.

"In the end, she tells me that there is a man who says we never support him, I saw him a chain, I take it with her, she's my friend for a long time, she participated with me in the campaign, she promoted independent nominations across Mexico., I have nothing against it, I did not do it with the desire to offend anyone, I told him what channel, with whom one buys the device! It was a joke. "

He added that the man Montes has been a member of since December 2015 goes to the Government Palace and is still treated as more than 40,000 people attended each year. That is why he asked not to be misunderstood and accused those who had downloaded the video about the incident to have it edited and put a little bit to try to win sympathy.

He reiterated that he did not want to offend anyone, went back to apologize and pointed out that the man who needed the device had his respect, even though he was suddenly putting himself angry, but that his government had the patience to take care of everyone and that everyone had a reason, the government's job is to help those who do not have one and to respect those who do not. have and pay their contributions (taxes) to carry out government work and actions.


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