El Chapo hearing in New York court on October 30



Guzmán was extradited to New York in January 2017 and 17 charges were laid, which were recently reduced to 11 after the prosecution dismissed some charges. She has since been incarcerated in a federal prison in Manhattan (File Photo: Twitter)


The US federal judge Brian Cogan, who presides over the lawsuit against Joaquín & El Chapo & # 39; Guzmán, decided to hold a hearing today on October 30, after the drug trafficker's defense lodged a complaint with the Office of the Prosecutor to postpone the trial.

The defense of "El Chapo", which had last week called for postponing the start of the trial on November 5, beginning of 2019, filed new petitions in Brooklyn federal court asking the judge to prevent that the prosecution uses new evidence. to support the accusation against your client to maintain a criminal enterprise.

& # 39; El Chapo & # 39; Guzmán sees neither the sun nor the fresh air

The United States Government has presented to the Tribunal evidence regarding 17 new alleged murder conspiracy victims in which Guzmán Loera is alleged to be involved, as leader of the Sinaloa cartel; proof that you intend to use at the trial.

The government's deliberate act of subjecting 17 new victims of conspiracy to murder is a violation of their constitutional right to a fair trial and prevents them from benefiting from a fair trial and defending themselves. same, "said the defense in the document sent to Cogan, published today by Eduardo Balarezo, one of his lawyers.

Guzmán Loera's defense is a complaint that the prosecution has not stopped sending a large amount of evidence, thousands of pages and recordings, the latest one having been done two weeks ago. which prevents them from reviewing and investigating this information.

New York Attorney's Office associates "El Chapo" with 20 homicides

The prosecution had previously informed the defense last July that it would present evidence of 20 alleged victims of conspiracy to assassinate, as part of its case to support the charge of maintaining the criminal enterprise. . However, the prosecution removed four names from this list and replaced them with 17 new names, which were notified to the defense earlier this month, just two weeks before the start of the trial, according to the document.

The prosecution released the surname of this list on October 17.

How are we going to defend it "if 17 new alleged victims are only appointed two weeks before the trial," said Balarezo.

The prosecution has to present evidence and we defend it, "he said.

The prosecution also sent them a month ago 14,000 pages of new evidence, including 3,000 500 in English, which prevents Guzmán Loera to reread them without the help of translators from his defense team. The defense accompanied the document with a photo of the evidence they denounced, which was sent late by the prosecution.

The prosecution also sent them 117,000 records shortly before the date set for the trial, they also remember in the document sent to Cogan.

The defense also complains that the court has authorized the prosecution to name some of the alleged victims on the grounds that revealing their name (only to justice and defense) would allow them to do so. identify the witnesses to be charged. which is always a big question).

They also dispute the fact that the prosecution did not inform the defense of its intention to virtually reproduce the list of alleged conspiracy victims.

It is physically impossible for lawyers to review, conduct an investigation and prepare to defend themselves against new allegations of conspiracy. As a result, it is also impossible to ensure Guzmán's right to a fair trial and effective assistance from his defense if the court continues to allow the government to continue as it wishes, "they said.

They donate to "El Chapo" Guzmán to the victims in Sinaloa

Guzmán was extradited to New York in January 2017 and 17 charges were laid against him. They were recently reduced to 11 after the prosecution dismissed some charges. time of prisons in Mexico.

According to the document, since then the prosecution has made it impossible not to defend itself.

They remind the court that the prosecutor also has the obligation to treat each case with justice and respect for the rights of the accused. The contrary, they say, denies respect for legality.

The way the government is being conducted will make the trial a spectacle and lead to inevitable guilt, "they said.


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