El Chapo's lawyer threatens to leave the case


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Washington.- The lawyer of Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán Eduardo Balarezo, threatened to abandon the case if the judge of the case, Brian Cogan, does not reject that the prosecution will continue to present evidence and want to prove an indeterminate number of murder plots, unless it allows a further postponement of the judicial proceedings, scheduled for November 5th.

"The defense can not fulfill its obligations at the present time and with the intentions of the government regarding the number of conspiracy to murder.If the lawyer is required to proceed under these circumstances, he will be obliged to take his retreat instead of proceeding to a trial for which he was structurally prevented from getting ready, "writes Balarezo in a document addressed to the judge

. Once, the lawyer of El Chapo complains of the impossibility for the alleged leader of the cartel Sinaloa to have a fair trial in the United States.

Judge Cogan, in an express order, has positioned himself on the defense side, asserting to the US government his lack of specificity and demanding that he provide more information on the latest allegations concerning assassinations presumed ordered by Guzmán Loera.

"You should seriously consider revisiting [su listado] to better reflect your" In the last episode, the government presents a list of about thirty homicides to which El Chapo allegedly participated as a car. (not accused of blood crime), but in many cases does not identify the victim, the place or date of the murder.

The charge of murder conspiracy falls on the first of the 17 crimes of the accused El Chapo belonging to a criminal gang, and within it the manipulation of murderers, as well as murderers.

did not give the exact number of homicides that she intends to prove in lawsuits, leaving the figure between "20 and the infinite killed in a 25-year period", according to Balarezo

The "blur of information" makes it impossible, according to the lawyer of El Chapo the preparation ju ste and necessary for the trial. In this sense, Balarezo again accused the government of using "unorthodox" tactics to undermine the alleged drug trafficker's defense work and, therefore, a fair trial.

If the judge believes that he will accept that these cases enter the jury's examination, Balarezo asked for a further postponement of the beginning of the trial.

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