"El Sol" warms the networks


The chapter is finished, but it is still in the networks. And is this the greatest legacy left by the episode 11 of Luis Miguel on Netflix is ​​measured by the avalanche of memes and jokes that provoked social networks every Sunday night . No one can deny that the one who stole the heart and the bile of the spectators was "Luisito Rey", who was seen as the villain in every episode of the series Luis Miguel, in the most recent chapter the father of "El Sol "This caused empathy and a few months thanks to a scene from the episode created Sunday night.

It was the saddest scene to date with Oscar Jaenada, who won recognition for his interpretation of Luis Miguel's father

In history, after years of distance and serious financial problems, Rey decides to seek Luis Miguel to ask for his help . To wait behind the scenes of a concert, although things do not happen as he would have imagined.

Behind the scene, Luisito Rey is waiting with a smile and a ham in his arms for his son to finish the show

However, when Luis Miguel comes out and Rey c "Micky", the singer looks at him with contempt and continues his way without even stopping to say hello. Luisito Rey receives Stoic contempt for his son, but does not hide his sadness.

On Twitter, the scene inspired many network users to tease. And like this fragment, there were many who caused grace among the spectators.

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