Elba Esther launches strategy to recover SNTE


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The former president of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), Elba Esther Gordillo Morales, has once again launched her strategy to lead this educational organization.

The professors who went yesterday to the Chamber of Deputies presented, in this framework, a document containing the proposal of the Mexican teachers' group to replace the reform of education, which includes the return of of the career system in education, including proposing the automatic recruitment of normal graduates from the national education system.

One of the measures to be taken is that 3,000 teachers file criminal complaints against the current union leader, Juan Díaz de la Torre, as well as other members of the union's executive bodies, for embezzling money from the fund. union. The retreat of the teacher.

As was the case with the complaint lodged in Mexico City, professors of gordillistas of Sinaloa, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas will seek to accuse them of the alleged discrepancy of more than 20 billion pesos, corresponding to the use of the fund teacher's pension.

"It is expected that [en caso de que prosperen las denuncias penales] For the first days of December, tax audit notices could arrive for all concerned, freezing of assets, accounts, orders of presentation and apprehensions. This is what would happen if the possible road went into shock. It comes with a clean shot, "said sources close to Elba Esther Gordillo.

"This is the most brutal strategy.It initiated the criminal strategy a few days after the beginning of the new government (…) 3000 lawsuits pending in the States for local heritage," said the people consulted.

Yesterday it was reported that two elbista teachers had filed a criminal complaint against the national union president at the Attorney General's Office (PGR) for alleged discretionary treatment of the resources of the workers' pension fund; as well as its relations with companies that provide loans to teachers, whose payments are deducted from the payroll with "excessive interest".

The Gordillo Morales team has hired Bufete de Buen, specializing in the field of work, and the lawyer Marco del Toro, who will pursue the criminal strategy.

In addition, in the field of work, we seek to restore to Elba Esther Gordillo her rights as president of the SNTE; in the legal, to give to the protection of the teachers elbistas against the taking of note of Diaz de la Torre.

The other path is a "meeting" with the practicing teacher-in-charge, to review the resources to which he or she has access, and to obtain reimbursement for resources allegedly diverted.

"There is a lot of bitterness," she tries to dispel, without justifying Juan Díaz de la Torre (…) if more than 14 thousand leaders reach an agreement on the fact that the damage is already paid and that Díaz de la Torre is full, we will be satisfied. " under conditions to move to a new stage, in which everyone stays with his shots, "sources said.

Every day, the teacher organizes between 10 and 15 meetings with teachers to define the strategy.

Tomás Vázquez Vigil, president of Teachers for Mexico, said that with Juan Díaz de la Torre, secretary general of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), it took fifty years for the rights of this teacher to be reached .

He considers that Gordillo has never lost his rights as a leader and can convene a congress to "give a new space to the life of the union".

As EL UNIVERSAL predicted, Elba Esther Gordillo is preparing her return to the leadership of the SNTE, for which she is awaiting the decision of the Superior Court of Administrative Justice, which would leave her as legal and constituted president, convene a Congress and appoint a substitute . .

Yesterday, 2,000 members of Teachers for Mexico went to the Chamber of Deputies to present their proposal for transformation of education and show their support for Gordillo Morales.

Moisés Jiménez participated in the mobilization and rally, which imposed the slogans of "¡Fuera Díaz!", Which were mentioned as successors of the leader of the SNTE.

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