Elected alderman murdered by Morena in Jalisco – La Neta Noticias


Cocula was elected counselor to Tlaquepaque

Violent acts do not stop even if the elections were left out; despite the fact that political violence – unfortunately – is more and more common in Mexico, that does not make it normal.

Today, it was an unfortunate news: one more murder; this time in the municipality of San Pedro Tlaquepaque .

Zenón Cocula Fierros, elected alderman of the National Regeneration Movement (Brunette) was deprived of life with bullets in Tlaquepaque today around 11: 300 o'clock

Cocula Fierros was shot and wounded while he was in his truck through the Colonia San Martín de Las Flores de Abajo, near the intersection with Niños Héroes, in the municipality of San Pedro Tlaquepaque .

According to El Debate, the violent incident involved two men who were aboard a GMC truck, model Canyon, with plates JT-06973, "when several people arrived in another truck, who shot them and ran off on the road to El Verde.

Meanwhile, Daniel Ortiz, Commander of [Tlaquepaque's Commissariat gave some details:

We are told of a pickup, black color, that double cabin, where there were about four people who, without stopping the vehicle, made six detonations. "

Tlaquepaque paramedics of the Green Cross supported and transferred the co-pilot from the truck, who regularly presented injuries, to a shaking station

to know that the elected Alderman was already dead.

With information from El Debate and Newsweek
Photo: Twitter @NotiGDL

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