Elections in Mexico: Belinda accused of supporting López Obrador? Here's the truth | Trade | TV | Farándula


The young singer Belinda did not receive any money to support the closure of the campaign of the candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO ), as he was speculated after the broadcast of a video in which the producer would submit so-called installment bills in favor of the artist. It should be noted that, in addition to the closing of the campaign, Belinda publicly supported AMLO on the spot and via a message via Twitter.

Web site Verified 2018 corroborated that the alleged invoices shown in the video and where the Mexican singer would have been paid for his services at the end of Elections in Mexico of the candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador are edited images.

The phone number see in the video's invoices, 5562478961, is non-existent and actually has a variation of the actual number of the company Joy Music Entertainment, published on its website.

The Tax Administration Service (SAT) portal shows that the The Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC) appearing on alleged invoices (JOYEN1206108A4) is non-existent and has a more than normal character, since it consists of 13 characters according to National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users in Financial Services (Condusef)

According to the invoices shown in the video, Belinda received three payments for the "Participation in the campaign of the candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador" "Participation of Belinda in the promotional campaign for the campaign AMLO" and "Support via Twitter account @BelindaPop" . At the end of the campaign, Belinda would have collected three million 480 thousand pesos. For the commercial, 17 million 400 thousand pesos and for support Tweets also three million 480 thousand pesos. The sum of these services equals 24 million 360 thousand pesos, and not 42 million as the video indicates.

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