Electronic Arts Plans Free Battle Royale


Royal Battle. This is the keyword of the current generation of video games and the developer EA Games is very clear. In a recent conference of investors and business analysts, Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen spoke of some topics of interest such as the incursion in the genre of fashion and formats "Free to play".

When asked if the Royal Battle Mode announced for Battlefield V in E3 2018 could be separated and sold as an independent format game "Free to Play " Jorgensen said that it is unlikely and that, instead of doing so, they could experiment with a new game of the same trading model of micro-transaction (similar to Fortnite).

Andrew Wilson, CEO of Electronic Arts stated that he intends to fully support the cross-play and that he will seek out the Apply in all compatible franchises, so that players can access them from their PC, console and mobile. he who, in his words, means a " tremendous value " in the eyes of the user. He finally said that the company was watching closely how the "cloud" services are evolving and that it will always be an alternative if it becomes important in the future.

The " cloud gaming " would currently be run by the Google company and its project "Yeti", you can know more details on this link.

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