Elena Poniatowska and Benito Taibo II will vote for Mexico


The writer Elena Poniatowska left her house after 10 am. Accompanied by her family, she went to her correspondent cell in the Chimalistac district, where she voted in favor of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, coalition candidate Together We Make History

"J & I voted for a man I believe in and with I have been doing it for 16 years, since I was the head of the city, I am very excited to win and there is a change, as well as the l & # 39; idea that a lot of people finally vote for the PRI to go, "he shared with EL UNIVERSAL

He pointed out that one of the reasons he supports the project of López Obrador is "the integration of Mexicans who do not have privileges, who do not succeed, those who suffer from hunger." [19659002] I am confident that the triple candidate for the presidency of the Republic will triumph over these historic elections. "I think it's a historic vote because I have a lot of desire for a change in the country, "he said.

"It is obvious that he will win, everyone tells us that he will win."
Instead, the author awarded the Cervantes Prize in 2013 was received among the photographs and the warm welcome of the members of the polling station. She deposited her vote accompanied by her granddaughter Inés Haro and at the end she took pictures with pollsters and citizens who recognized her on the spot

She went to the box accompanied by her children Felipe and Paula Haro and his grandchildren Pablo e Inés Haro, as well as his companion, Martina García Ramírez

Before seven o'clock in the morning, the writer Paco Ignacio Taibo II left his house to go vote. Accompanied by his wife, the cultural promoter Paloma Saiz came to the square 4565 installed in a private school to vote but also to take care of the votes of the National Movement Regeneration (Brunette).
Surprised the number of people who started doing it At 7 o'clock in the morning, the coordinator of the cultural platform of the candidate for the head of government for the history of the history of Mexico City Claudia Sheinbaum, said that "it seems that people were urging them to vote. In an interview, he also said that in the district of Condesa, where he lives and is representative of Morena in the District 12 area, it is one more area. or less civilized, but "I am very afraid of the national trapichuelas of the PRI and the trapichuelas of the local PRD". We will see little by little when the accusations will start to appear, but that there is a fra … There are many, I hope that the expectation of overflowing fraud does not occur. is not significant.

The author of the biography of Pancho Villa, who has an electoral list in hand, attends those who come to the box, is very happy. "With a bit of luck, we are going to end a long night of priistopaniata that has led this country to disaster."

On social networks, polling day has also started intensely. Many messages began to circulate early calling the vote and many photos began to be uploaded with the thumb marked after voting.

Historian Enrique Krauze wrote on Twitter: "Today will be a historic day for democracy … freedom."

Writer Ana Clavel, in the same narrative says: "Let's hope that fear, prejudices and privileges of the group or the class, do not intimidate us, today the vote, tomorrow to build or refound this reality.We hope that life will reach us to deserve it and to enjoy it with peace and dignity. "

For his part, the writer Mónica Lavín wrote: Today, we are voting and we are supporting the worthy course of this country. @diegoluna_ "

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