Eliminate evacuated children trapped in a Thai cave by diving


The dive evacuation of twelve children and their coach trapped in a Thai cave "is not recommended," authorities announced Friday after the death of an ex-wife of the marine who worked in rescue operations. "The boys can not dive for the moment," said Narongsak Osottanakorn, governor of Chiang Rai province, who is also head of the Crisis Staff

"The problem now is when will they be ready to dive? ".

The authorities recognize that the time to evacuate these young people and their teacher from the cave, located in northern Thailand, on the border of Burma, is "limited".

The death of the rescuer shows the difficulty of evacuation without endangering the lives of the children and their football coach, trapped for thirteen days in Thuam Lang Cave.

"At first, we thought that children could stay a long time But the situation has changed and we now have a limited time," said the chief of commandos of the Navy, Apakorn [19659006] Yookongkaew one of the leaders of Crisis Cell

Yookongkaew also explained that they distributed oxygen bottles throughout the cave to try to supply the children and their companions, including their football coach. But he did not specify whether he would try to save them this Friday, a day when the monsoon will return, a phenomenon with strong winds and rain that affects this mountainous region of Thailand.

This announcement comes hours after the death of the Thai Diver. "After delivering a supply of oxygen, on his return, he did not have enough oxygen," said Deputy Governor, Passakorn Boonyaluck [19659008].

This ex-member of the Thai Navy's commandos "lost consciousness on the way home, his diving partner tried to help him and take him," said the commander of the commandos of the Navy

"Even if we lose a man, we continue to believe," he assured, in a trembling voice, Friday morning

Tragedy recalls the difficulty of the road that must be traveled, under the water, until reaching the twelve children and their football coach, stranded in this cave The rescue workers tried Friday to advance to the maximum in their preparations for evacuation before the rain does not come back, according to the forecasts.

They hope to be able, with the help of bombs, that the level of the water drops in time enough so that the children can leave without having to dive or to do so only for short distances

Five hours of diving e

At present, an experienced diver needs 11 hours to make a round trip to where the children are: six out of five round trip thanks to the current.

The course extends for several kilometers and includes narrow passages and expanses under the water.

For now, rescuers say they prefer to wait until the water falls, except to provide food for weeks: this would allow children to walk out to through the gallery, with a minimum number of underwater sections that must be masks

This is the preferred option for rescuers, who have launched a pumping system, assisted by engineers Japanese, who has already taken the equivalent of more than 50 Olympic-sized 10 km long cave pools. 19659002] Avoid a precipitous exit

The authorities intend to avoid an emergency plan involving a precipitous exit. The death of this diver was a blow to the morale of the hundreds of rescuers mobilized, including many foreigners, Australians or British.

But if with the rains announced on Friday, the water level returns to

It is because of the monsoon that the children were stuck in the cave the June 23, after having decided, for an unclear reason, to visit him after his training Meanwhile, rescuers are still looking for an entrance from the top of the mountain that is connected or easy to connect with a drill, with the part of the cave where the children

This Friday, they had to go through there with a motion detector to try to determine the exact location of the children of the outside.


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