Eliminate stress by eating pistachios


One way to control stress would be to eat pistachios, as revealed by research from the State University of Pennsilvania, USA. It is explained in detail that this seed helps reduce the body's reaction to the stress of everyday life.

Stress can manifest in different ways among people, some experience digestive symptoms. Others may have headaches, insomnia, depression, anger and irritability.

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Dr. Sheila G. West led the study and analyzed the effects of pistachios on type 2 diabetics.

The study participants were divided into two groups and received an equivalent diet, with the difference that half of them received a ration of pistachios and the others did not.

After 4 weeks of diet, they underwent stress tests including:

  • An arithmetic problem that they had to solve
  • A challenge of plunging a hand into cold water for two minutes, causing most people to experience a vascular constriction response.

Photo: Pixabay (thematic image)

When participants performed these tests, they underwent medical tests to measure peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure. When interpreting the results, it was found that those who consumed pistachio had better control of the nerves of the heart and better vascular constriction.

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People suffering from chronic stress suffer from more frequent and more serious viral infections, such as the flu or colds. Vaccines, such as the flu, are less effective for this. Some people manage stress better than others. It is important that you know your limits in terms of stress in order to avoid the most serious health effects.

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