Ellie-May Minshull-Coyle | The atrocious case of parents who tied their baby to a cage bed until his death | World | New


For over a year and a half the city of Liverpool, L & # 39; England, is shocked by a crime that still does not find an explanation. A woman and her ex-partner were tried for causing or allowing the death of a 19-month-old girl who spent her days tied to a bed arranged as a kind of cage, the newspaper reported. English The sun

Ellie-May Minshull-Coyle died last March in a two-bedroom apartment in Preston, on a bed turned into a cage and into a dead-end room, the windows being covered with a mattress and a sheet. His mother, Lauren Coyle, 19, and her stepfather, Reece Hitchcott, 20, were chosen for the murder.

According to the survey, the young people kept the baby in the dark, sometimes tied to the bed so that it does not move. That is why, when they found her dead, they found marks on her wrists and ankles. The cause of death was "a constraint imposed by ligatures in a ventral position complicated by hyperthermia (when body temperature reaches higher than normal levels)" ", confirming that the space was not ventilated chain bbc

The mother of the child stated that she had used this method (to tie the child) with the intention of sleeping all night and thus generating her routine. However, the text messages to which the authorities subscribed confirmed that the woman had difficulty managing her maternity.

"I feel bad because this girl is always naughty and I'm so stressed out that I'm dizzy." I literally want to jump in front of a train. Today, I hit it a lot, "Coyle wrote to Hitchcott before the baby died, according to The Sun newspaper.

The sentence to both adults will be known on November 16th. They are charged with cruelty proceedings against children for having "caged" and restrained in a bed.

— The most painful case —

One of the crime detectives, Zoe Russo, described what happened as "the most distressing case" she and her team had to face.

"Think of the suffering that this little girl had to endure, these people should have loved, cared for and protect her," said Russo, who also described the death of Ellie-May as "completely useless, useless and avoidable".

Source: The Nación de Argentina / GDA

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